27 April 1994 - South Africa’s First Democratic Elections.
A FREE day - “I had one. You had one. Everybody got one!” (Thanks Oprah!)
South Africa’s public holiday to celebrate a nation coming into freedom!
THAT day in 1994 was historic. I was alive on that day 💥. I participated on that day.
It was memorable and significant. A day that we celebrate today - 29 years later. A day celebrated by a nation.
That day was not convenient. The actual process of casting our votes was lengthy. The voting lines were long. We stood, ID books in hand, waiting. Inching forward at the pace of a slow snail… yet we did it.
People - all ages, colors, creeds stood together on that day.
What was anticipated was a bloodbath, mayhem, chaos, fear levels were pretty high and intense…
And yet
Do you remember that day?
But, more importantly, do you remember that day that Christ set you free? That day of salvation. That triumphant day!
Do you celebrate it? Do you understand it? Do you see it as the greatest, most memorable, most significant day in your history?
It was!
And continues to be.
There was a ‘bloodbath’ in order for you to obtain your freedom - Jesus’ blood was poured out for you to be free. There was a battle. There was a commotion in the heavenlies as Jesus won the war for your freedom. The greatest day in your history - your freedom!
“If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!” John 8:36
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery,” Galatians 5:1
It sounds like a battle cry, a call to arms, or at least the kind of speech you’d expect at a wildly enthusiastic political rally. And it is. And continues to be. There is a wildly enthusiastic party in heaven for every sinner who comes to Christ! There was a party for you!
When Jesus sets you free, He takes away your death sentence. He literally shifted your eternal destination.
Because of His freedom your personal history here on Earth is completely altered. Your families can be different, cycles broken, freedom from ‘pass-me-down traits’! Your very lives are forever transformed. THAT day should be celebrated. The God of the Universe is watching out for you, calling you into purpose, calling you into His freedom.
Contend for it. Stand in the discomfort that the enemy may surround you with. In your hand and heart, hold on to His promise and inch forward into a future ordained for you - in freedom. Stand with others, in the church, in your homes…
FREEDOM DAY is ‘everyday’ for you who believe.
Jesus bought THAT freedom with His blood!
Celebrate it! Contend for it!
Stand and proclaim it!
The SON has set you FREE!
Have a great long weekend! Revel in the eternal freedom that our King gives us. Rejoice and be glad! Salvation is a great day indeed!
Love all of you - Urban Life Church - you are beautiful!