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Who is This Groom?

Andy Clark


Are there weddings that STAND out in your memory? We have all attended weddings. Most are absolutely beautiful - some OTT, some simple and some have elements that are original and noteworthy.

But, mostly, all the weddings are about the Bride. Her dress, her shoes, her hair, the look of wonder in her eyes…! And all eyes are on her!


There will be a day...

Where our eyes will not be on the bride…

But on the Groom!

At the marriage feast of Jesus.

When the whole of creation will be gazing at the Groom.

The splendour of His Majesty.

The greatness of His Presence.

What a day it is going to be!


I am sure - His eyes will be gazing at His Bride. The Church.

The look of wonder and love will be for her. He will see her splendour. Her perfection. His creation!

I can’t even begin to imagine what that day will be like.

Sunday’s message was on Proverbs 31, which I see as a picture of the Bride of Christ - His Bride, His Church.

If we look at the verses that precede verses 10 - 31 we glimpse a picture of this King, the Groom of this Bride.

Oghosa Iyamu from the Village Church wrote this:

“He is our King. As believers today, we are privy to behold this portrait through a gospel lens. To see not merely a set of requirements for a king presented in Proverbs 31:1-9, but a foreshadowing and fulfillment of the perfect, true King to come—Jesus.

A king who would not be overcome by wealth, women or wine but instead would overcome the power of sin and death (Prov. 31:4-6).

  • A king who would not only speak up for the mute, but would give speech to the mute (Prov. 31:8).

  • A king who would judge justly, and defend the rights of the poor (Prov. 31:9)

  • A king who while perishing would refuse to ease his bitter distress with wine (Prov. 31:6) but instead fully absorb the bitter cup of God’s wrath.

And Christ the King isn’t merely looking for the kind of bride described in the next several verses of Proverbs 31; He is creating and bringing to perfection His bride—the Church—to present her pure and undefiled (Eph. 5:25, Rev. 19:7).”

I loved reading that!

I hope you are encouraged at the wonder of how much Jesus loves you - His Bride.

Have a great weekend - see you soon.

Love Andy


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